Entrepreneur Education and Degrees in Entrepreneurship

Check the facts and you’ll see the number of higher level institutions in the U.S. now offering courses in entrepreneur education exceeded 2,000 last year. Is this trend in entrepreneur education going start a new rapid wave of growth and innovation? Well, yes and no. We say this because the reality is “innovation” has become a buzz word these days. Everyone wants to be innovative. Every corporation is seeking to get more innovation from their employees and into their products. Is entrepreneur education really the solution to enable innovation?

We Tend to Take a Different Stance on What Entrepreneur Education is all About

Our team has MBA’s, self-started Entrepreneurs, and a guy known as the “Silver Fox” who’s seen it all. We know a thing or two about entrepreneurship, and what it really means (although they won’t tell you that in B-School). One of our beliefs about entrepreneur education is that anyone can learn and be innovative if coached and given the correct enablers. The real problem with 99.9% of innovative people out there is they never realize the full extent of their ideas. We stress the term “realize” because you can go out and get the best education money can buy, but that in itself will not guarantee success without real world enablers [QUALIFIER: Harvard, Stanford and Wharton = guaranteed success].

The True Entrepreneur Education is Innovation

The term “realize” is also a key differentiator with our team you will not find elsewhere, and reason you need us although you may not have realized that yet. If we want to tie a lesson of entrepreneur education into innovation, let us start by looking no further than the most innovative company on the planet. That company is Apple. Apple’s name originated from a time period when their legendary founder Steve Jobs spent his summers working on small farms, and was rumored to have eaten diets consisting of only fruits and vegetables.

The name and symbol Mr. Jobs envisioned helped provide creative imagery that didn’t exist with other computer companies of the day such as IBM or DEC. What he eventually did was build a brand that produced products you needed before you ever realized why you needed them. Read that last sentence again…it defines innovation in the most pure sense. In this same fashion, you may have innovative ideas, but if you never realize them, you’re just another number.

Completed your Entrepreneur Education and ready for the next step? Pitch us your idea, and let us help you realize it.

About Rebecca Gill

Rebecca Gill is founder of Web Savvy Marketing. She is a technmommy, Girl Scout cookie mom, and lover of WordPress. The diverse 9seeds team offers website design, organic SEO, social media marketing, and WordPress consulting.


  1. Jane Doughnut says:

    Great article. Loved it!

  2. Chris Cree says:

    This is a longer comment. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris mi arcu, egestas non egestas at, semper in erat. Sed a enim in turpis ultrices faucibus. Pellentesque porta diam id odio feugiat dignissim. Integer eleifend mauris eu mi commodo pharetra.

    Nunc et magna risus. Nam accumsan, elit id dignissim euismod, ante enim congue tellus, non eleifend est lectus eu risus. Sed sodales dignissim posuere. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras a justo eros. Aenean commodo pellentesque enim, at iaculis justo dictum vel.

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