Rick Santorum’s Endorsement of Governor Mitt Romney

Rick Santorum and FamilyOn Friday, Governor Romney came to Pittsburgh for an over-hour long one-on-one meeting. The conversation was candid, collegial and focused on the issues that you helped me give voice to during our campaign; because I believe they are essential ingredients to not only winning this fall, but turning our country around.

While the issue of my endorsement did not come up, I certainly have heard from many of you who have weighed in on whether or not I should issue a formal endorsement. Thank you for your counsel, it has been most helpful. However, I felt that it was completely impossible for me to even consider an endorsement until after a meeting to discuss issues critical to those of us who often feel our voices are not heard by the establishment: social conservatives, tea-party supporters, lower and middle income working families.

Clearly without the overwhelming support from you all, I never would have won 11 states and over 3 million votes, and we would not have won more counties than all the other candidates combined. I can assure you that even though I am no longer a candidate for president, I will still continue to fight every day for our shared values – the values that made America the greatest country in the history of the world.

Read Rick Santorum’s full blog post >>

About Rebecca Gill

Rebecca Gill is founder of Web Savvy Marketing. She is a technmommy, Girl Scout cookie mom, and lover of WordPress. The diverse 9seeds team offers website design, organic SEO, social media marketing, and WordPress consulting.

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